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Aussie Digital ico

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Overview for Aussie Digital
With Brick and Mortar Retail that is dying “Look at the city”, you will soon realize that E-Commerce is becoming increasingly attractive to retailers every day. The problem now is “Like the Greedy Landlord” online E-Commerce provider “Ebay, Shopify and Amazon to name a few also become greedy. This is where Aussie Digital shines above the others. The Aussie Digital Project has been designed to help, not hinder the growth of small businesses to medium online.
The Aussie Digital Ecosystem is based around Digital Tokens. Ecosystem includes shop builders like Amazon which are packed with powerful digital marketing tools and B2B Trading Platforms that integrate Social Media in an unprecedented way. Other services that are powered by blockchain technology have also been included to accelerate the flow of funds which in turn reduces costs for Retailers and Buyers.
The interface has been designed to be very user friendly with fast access functions. This will make it stand out from all other cryptocurrency exchanges because of its usability and sliding functionality.
Through our exchange, you will be able to exchange our coins and many other leading coins. We like to call our exchange “Machine Room” because it plays a big role in our E-commerce Platform and allows our retailers to accept any coins we have on the exchange.
Retailers will have the ability to automatically convert their sales to their chosen currency in real time which eliminates some of the concerns caused by volatility and freeing up their time, so they can concentrate on business.
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The Aussie Digital Team and Advisors come from various sectors including Import, Export, Business Strategy, Business Development, Business Marketing, Business Banking, Digital Marketing, Social Media, TV Production, Interactive Design, HR Training, Stock & Currency Training, Blockchain Analysts and Cryptocurrency expert.
They are a diverse group of like-minded people with different backgrounds, different education, and different cultures. All with the same purpose.
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As part of our ecosystem, we have begun creating Amazon / eBay style e-commerce platforms that will take Crypto and standard (fiat) currencies. Designed to help small businesses and new businesses quickly and at minimal costs. Like any online company, you need to promote, so we have loaded it full of features to help your SEO and add a very generous and unique gift program.
TRADEZY clients will have access to the Trading (B2B) platform that makes wholesale products cost-effective, user friendly and intelligent search engines. This will change the way people shop and small businesses do business forever.
To help buyers and sellers connect, the Internal Social Media Platform will be introduced. This can be used by anyone in our Community for business or for pleasure. Promote your product or business or simply connect with new friends. Import contacts from other platforms and involve new people. Tell people in our community / you about upcoming events. It is there for members to use what they want and to support the Community.
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